About Brooke

A few random facts….

I write in the same tone that I speak in.  I don’t have a degree to do either. I promise to misuse commas and produce run-on sentences. I’m just exhaling through my writing, not turning in essays.

Our #partyof5 is a blended family. Life has been fun with 3 boys. We are fond of a full house, but are embracing the next season of empty nest life too.  

Happily Ever Hanson

Beauty out of ashes.  My Hubs, Chad(wick) is the perfect blend of kindness and hotness.  Follow my deep thoughts here… 😉  I find fresh reasons to be thankful for our love and life everyday.  We were somewhat friends years before dating.  I actually set him up on several dates in the old days, until he politely ask me to “never set him up again”.  Regardless of my matchmaking skills, our story is my favorite.

My favorite activity is being a Boy Mom. No matter where they are, we make it a point to carve out quality time with them. Raising them to adult(ish)hood went by too quick. I wish we got another run at it. This season of parenting is fun – don’t be scared of it.

Awhile back I got bored with the 12 extra minutes in my day and Textured Threads Boutique was born. It’s been so fun! We have an online store and a local store inside The Collective in Waco.

Between the ages of 7-17, I was raised in a bible based religion that encouraged our family to live modestly. I loved the simplicity of it.  We didn’t wear pants or makeup, we wore our hair long, and didn’t have a tv for religious reasons. Although, our quiet life did save me from watching several horrible 80’s movies or sitcoms. Much to my husband’s irritation, I still refuse to watch Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. 

I love Christmas. The meaning of it, the traditions created around it, decorating for it. I eagerly wait all year to once again adorn our 7 themed Christmas trees. I didn’t mean to end up this crazy, it just happened. I’m basically Buddy the Elf, spreading Christmas cheer for all the cotton-headed ninny-muggins.  

My Friend Barn is filled with the most beautiful souls, hearts, and voices.  I always keep extra stalls ready for new friends too.  I’m a lover of healthy friendships and am fortunate to have amazing soul sisters. If you occupy a stall in someone’s friend barn, take care of it.  It takes being a friend to have a friend.

Given the chance, I believe I would excel at being a homebody. My calendar hasn’t allowed that yet. 

I am a reformed people pleaser.  Glory be.  I’ve grown out of adjusting my behavior to fit in with the environment around me or, to fit into the role others have defined for me.  Authentic living is worth it sisters.

I’m still sad that Friend’s went off the air.  Thursdays still remain my favorite day of the week, although reruns now come on days that aren’t Thursdays as well.  Like, all of them. See?  Beauty in Ashes.

Animals are my jam, sometimes more than people.  When I come across a stray, I’ll find it a home. I’m so good at this in fact, I’ve even “rescued” a poodle from the front of it’s own house, the kidnapped dog was returned…his name was Puddles and no charges were filed.

Loyalty is high on my treasured characteristics that I like and admire in people.  Definitely a requirement for the inner circle peeps.

Some consider it boring to remain in touch with high school friends.  However, I still adore those people. They were nice to me when my eyebrows grew across my entire forehead.  I was not one to peak early or bloom beautifully.  Yet, these peeps liked their friend who resembled Eddie Munster, and for that, I love them still.

When Anthropologie has a season of clothing that I don’t particularly like, I inwardly question my fashion sense. Has it left me? Did I ever have it?  Am I just getting old?  Why is all of that so weird looking?  Am I happy? Am I just hungry?